I have blogged about the importance of a challenge before and the last year has continued to prove this to me.  So much has happened since Chris and De at Midsomer Quilting asked me if I would like to have an exhibition at their shop on the Mendips.  This time last year I was unsure about putting my work on display and would never have considered teaching the techniques I use!

For the exhibition last November I challenged myself to make 12 pieces, these would hopefully show the creative journey I was on and how my techniques and confidence were growing.  I bought a tiny little pack of red dots in the vague chance that I may sell one.

I sold 7 of my 12 pieces and met so many lovely people over the 3 weekends and there I thought it would end for a while!

Before the exhibition started Chris (a former Head of 6th form at a local school) asked me to consider teaching with them at MQ.  Now this did seem a step too far, its one thing showing your work but quite another demonstrating  your self taught (probably slightly unorthodox  techniques).

Well, the first date was set after much persuasion and I hoped no-one would be interested and all would be well.

 I taught the first class in January, a lovely group who hopefully learnt something from my techniques.  I taught the second class last Sunday.  I learnt so much on that first course and thoroughly enjoyed the experience yesterday.

I designed a picture for us to work on and was so pleased with the progress everyone made, they were such a lovely group and I really look forward to my third class on the 5th of June.

On the back of this exhibition I have also undertaken my first commission piece and been asked to speak at two Quilting groups locally.

Sometimes it really pays to be pushed or nudged out of your comfort zone!








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